At SmileVana, we want every patient to feel at home when they visit our dental practice in Easton for their oral care needs. On top of employing a friendly, experienced staff that genuinely cares about our patients, we offer many amenities to make you feel comfortable when you choose us for your dental care. When you visit our office, we want you to put aside any anxiety and enjoy your experience, making dental care a pleasure, not a pain.
You will notice the difference when you walk through our doors. Our staff will welcome you into our office with a friendly smile and a quick check -in for your appointment. We hope you will help yourself to a complimentary beverage before or after your appointment. Enjoy a latte, tea, bottled water or a hot apple cider on us. While sipping your beverage, connect to our free internet bar to check your email or social media accounts. The kids love our play area, equipped with iPads to make coming to the dentist fun.
Providing a comfortable experience for our patients doesn’t stop in the waiting room. We want our patients to feel relaxed during their treatments and we do our best to make our rooms comfy and inviting. Treatment rooms have flat screen TVs for your entertainment. Plus, we will make you comfortable with warm blankets and soft pillows during your treatment. When your dental care is done, we will give you a warm, scented towel for your face. You may start to think you are at a spa instead of the dental office, which is exactly what we strive to achieve.
Dental care should be an enjoyable experience, not something to avoid. SmileVana wants to change the way you and your family think about dental visits with our many amenities and comfortable atmosphere. Contact us today for an appointment and come experience a new kind of dental care at SmileVana.